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Dosimeters and radiometers

LLC "Axelbant"

PORM-01 Professional radiation monitor ( Russia)

PORM-01 Professional radiation monitor ( Russia)Enlarge

EUR 3509

excl.Shipping costs

PORM-01Professional Portable Radiation Monitor is meant for search and detection of ionizing gamma- and beta-radiation sources in the course of people, transport means, cargoes, things, luggage, equipment, foodstuff etc. examination.

Main Technical Characteristics:

133Ва………………………………………...……22 kBq;

137Cs ………………………………...……..……..27 kBq;

60Со …………………………………………….... 14 kBq;

235U …………………………………………..……. 3 g;

239Pu …………………………………………….....0.1 g;

Beta-source90Sr+90Y related sensitivityis at least ….0.2 с-1;

Energy of registered gamma-radiation is from 0.03 to 3.0 MeV;

Measuring time …………………………….0.3 seconds;

Dimensions …..………… 220х145х75 mm;

Powersupplysource …………. Two Nickel-and-Cadmium batteries;

Externalpowersupplycontinuous voltage source…… 9В;

Operationtemperaturerange ……………….-100С - +400С;

Operation mode fixing time ……. not above 10 seconds;

Monitor operation cycle without battery charging is at least 16 hours.

Operation Description:

Monitor has got teo operation modes:

BACKGROUND MEASURING is performed automatically after Monitor powering on. Natural background measuring andalarmaudio signaling response threshold setting occurs. Upon 10 seconds SEARCH message appears on the display. Monitor is ready for operation.

Examination is implemented by scanning of the object surface. Monitor moves with the speed of 50 cm per second at the distance of 1 - 5 cm from the examined object surface. Audio signals prove presence of radioactive contamination.

Monitor can operate both with batteries and with external power supply source. Monitor operation modes and measuring results are indicated on liquid crystal display.

Monitor complies with Category IIIH¡20 of GOST (State Standard) R* 51635-2000 and it has got Conformance Certificate proving compliance with GOSTR № ROSS RU ОS02.N00717 (Certificate validity term is up to 14.09.2012).

MKS-1501M Instrumentisusedin banks at cash money acceptance and transfer in order to detect cash money with radioactive contamination.

It is included into the State Register of measuring Means under number 41220-09.

TheInstrumentas regards its parameters and functional capacities fully complies with requirements of Instruction issued by Central Bank of Russia dated 4th December 2007 No. 131-I For the Procedure of Detection, Temporary Storage, Cancellation and Elimination of Cash Money with Radioactive Contamination for separate bank notes, check stubs, packages and coins radioactive contamination checking.

MKS-1501M canbeappliedbothautonomouslyandjointlywithstationary (desk-mounted) radiation monitoring systems.

MKS-1501M Dosimeter-Radiometer (hereinafter referred to as the Instrument) is meant for the following purposes:

- Gamma- and beta-backgroundmeasuring at the Instrument operation location;

- Detection of the examined object radioactive contamination;

- Equivalent gamma-radiationdose rate and beta-particlefluxdensitymeasuring, this flux being emitted from the examined object surface.


The Instrument has got three operation modes:

Gamma- and beta background measuring at working places is performed automatically at the moment the Instrument switches on. After 40 seconds value of gamma-(mcSv/ hour) and beta-background(particles/min.cm2) is indicated on the Instrument display.

The object gamma- and beta-radiation contamination detection mode is switched on automatically after the object has been placed on the Instrument measuring surface; limiting time is 10 seconds.

The results are as follows:

-        Green indicator means CLEAN (the indication does not exceed 0.10 mcSv/hour and 10 particles/min.cm2above background);

-        - Red indicator and audio signal mean CONTAMINATED (the indication exceeds 0.10 mcSv/hour and 10 particles/min. cm2 above background).

If the Instrument shows CONTAMINATED, it is necessary to switch the mode of the objectgamma-radiationcontamination and beta-particlefluxdensity measuring.

Themodeisswitchedonmanuallyaftercontamination detection operation termination; the object shall not be removed from the Instrument measuring surface. If measuring results show excess over background of equivalent dose rate in mcSv/hour and fluxdensity in part./ min.*cm2, they will be indicated on the display(measuring time is not above 40 seconds).

PORM-01 Professional radiation monitor ( Russia)Enlarge 


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