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Dosimeters and radiometers

LLC "Axelbant"

Dosimeter RD1008 (RADEX, Russia)

Dosimeter RD1008 (RADEX, Russia)Enlarge

20.900,00 руб.

excl.Shipping costs

The product has the following features:
Simultaneous evaluation of ambient gamma radiation dose rate and flux density of beta-particles;
estimate the accumulated dose for two users;
continuous assessment with the specification of the result;
fast automatic restart after a sudden change in dose or radiation flux density;
the estimate of dose rate and particle flux density of the background radiation (radiation in the open) on methodical instructions ME (Conduct of radiation-hygienic inspection of residential and public buildings);
indication on the display background values ​​obtained;
indication on the display of the measured value exceeded the dose rate or the particle flux density over the background values;
measurement time is reduced with increasing dose;
increasing the number of measurement cycles leads to an increase in the reliability of evidence;
change in the threshold signal for gamma and beta radiation;
determination of gamma-radiation dose to the registration time of measurement;
used to indicate the sound or vibration;
can be installed calibration coefficients.

The product is designed and manufactured in accordance with the "Regulation on metrological status, order of development, production on the production and verification of dosimetric and radiometric instruments for the population", "System development and launch of new products GOST 15.001-88", GOST 15.009-91, GOST 27 451 and design documentation.
The product has a Certificate of Conformity № 090 070 042. The certification body of the measurement of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" (number accreditation certificate - POOC RU.00.07). The certificate is valid for 17.03.2014 c 17.03.2009.

The device is not registered in the State Register of measuring instruments.


The product evaluates the radiation situation on the value of ambient dose equivalent H * (10) of gamma radiation (hereafter - EDR), taking into account X-ray flux density on the magnitude of beta radiation and the magnitude of ambient equivalent dose of gamma radiation (hereinafter - the dose).

The range of dose rate measurement mSv / h from 0.1 to 999
Measuring range of flux density 1 / (cm2 * min) from 6 to 999
Dose measurement, 0.001 mSv and 999
Energy range of registered:

photon ionizing radiation, from 0.05 MeV to 3.0

beta radiation, 0.05 to 3.5 MeV

Random error at P = 0.95 (reproducibility indicated):

dose, not more, where h - dose in mSv / h,% ± (15 +3 / H)
flux density, not more, where F - the flux density, 1/sm2 * min,% ± (20 200 / P)
dose, not more than% 15
The range of audible alarm thresholds:

dose, mSv / h from 0.20 to 1.20
flux density, 1 / (cm2 * min) from 10 to 120
Measuring time:

dose, c from 1 to 21 (1)
flux density, c 21
Meals: element size "AA", ea. A
Battery life, however, h 950 (2)
Overall dimensions, height x width x thickness, mm 140x64x26
Weight (without batteries), not more than 0.175 kg
(1) The measurement time depends on the dose. Increasing the number of measurement cycles leads to increased reliability of testimony.

(2) Continuous operation of the device under the battery with a capacity of 3100mAch, with the natural background level shall not exceed 0.30 mSv / h, and factory settings of the product.



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