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MKS-08P NAVIGATOR Portable Signaling Intellectual Dosimeter-Radiometer
MKS-08P Instrument is registered in the State Register of Measuring Means under No. 29614-05 and has got Certificate RU.C.38.002.АNo. 21215 issued by Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology as well as SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGIC CONCLUSION No. 77.MB.01.000.P.001290.07.05 confirming compliance with the state sanitary and epidemiologic regulations and norms as well as with radiation safety norms (RSN) requirements.
MKS-08P meets the requirements of Instruction No. 131-I issued by Central Bank of the Russian Federation for detection of paper money with radioactive contamination.
If compared with IRD-2 Instrument, MKS-08P Instrument has got dosemeasuring, sample specific (volume) activity and alpha-particlefluxdensity modes as well as the scale highlight.
The Instrument operation is controlled by microprocessor maintaining stable error for the whole measuringrange.
The following information is shown on matrix liquid crystal display:
- Selected measuring mode;
- Measured value of the controlled parameter;
- Cases of measuringrangelimit excess (* sign) or discharge of power supply sources (POWER).
MKS-08P Instrument has got 4 modifications as regards utilization and delivery scope:
MKS-08P maintains dose ambient equivalentrateand photon radiation dose ambient equivalent and beta-particlefluxdensitymeasuring as well as alpha-particlefluxdensityindication.
MKS-08P1 maintains the above functions and sample volume activity measuring.
MKS-08P2 maintains the above functions and alpha-particlefluxdensity measuring.
MKS-08P3 maintains the above functions as well as sample volume activity andalpha-particlefluxdensity measuring.
MKS-08P1 andMKS-08P3 modifications are equipped with a stand and measuring cuvette.
MKS-08P2andMKS-08P3 modifications are equipped with alpha-radiation sensitive counter.
Detector is SBT-1-A gas-discharge end-window counter.
The Instrument is delivered with radiation imitator, charging device and network adapter.
If compared with analogous devices, MKS-08PInstrument similarly to IRD-02 Instrument has got the following advantages:
- High sensitivity;
- Speedy performance;
- Largeareaofthedetectorinput window;
- Low energetic threshold of photon and beta-particle registration;
- Ability of alpha-particles registration;
- Reduced energetic dependence of sensitivity at photon radiation registration;
- Power supply battery maintaining durable Instrument operation (when ordered, battery and charging device are included into delivery scope);
- Network adapter for net power supply;
- Check source for the Instrument serviceability inspection;
- Availability of audio signaling;
- Modern design.
- The Instrument has got low weight.
Main Technical Characteristics oftheInstrument:
Dose ambient equivalent rate measuring range is 0.10 – 100.0 (10 - 1·104)mcSv/hour (mcR/ hour).
Dose ambient equivalent measuring range is 0.01 - 103 (1 - 105) mcSv (mcR).
Photon energy range is 0.04 – 3.0 MeV.
Energetic dependence at doseratemeasuring is ±30%.
Beta-radiationfluxdensitymeasuring range, this flux being emitted from contaminated surfaces (Strontium-90+ and Yttirum-90 related radiation), is 3 – 104 part./cm2min.
Low limit of registered beta-radiation energy is not above 0.05 MeV.
Main measuringerror is ±25%.
alpha-radiationfluxdensitymeasuring(indication) range, this flux being emitted from contaminatedsurfaces (Plutonium-239 related radiation) is from 10 - 104 to 103 - 106 (104 - 107) part./cm2min.
Lowlimitofregisteredalpha-radiationenergyisnotabove 3.0 MeV.
AmbientenvironmentsamplesvolumeactivitymeasuringrangeisinBq/ l: (Bq/ kg)
forCesium-137 relatedradiation 1·104 - 2·107;
forStrontium-90+ andYttrium-90 relatedradiation 2.5 - 5·103.
Shiftduration/ indicationfixingis 2/40 seconds.
Continuous operation duration measured in hours is at least:
with NIKA/7D-0.125/CAMELION (9V) battery - 8/12;
with 6F22, GP1604S and CRONA (9V) type battery – 24.
Temperatureis from -20 to +40°С.
Humidity at 30°Сis up to 90%.
Dimensions are not above 210х115х78 mm.
Weightwith battery does not exceed 550g.