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Dosimeters and radiometers

LLC "Axelbant"

Decontamination composition number 1 (Raddez, Russia)

Decontamination composition number 1 (Raddez, Russia)Enlarge

2160 USD

excl.Shipping costs

Packing: double polyethylene 5 kg bags; in a goffered cardboard box there are 3 bags (15 kg). Price for minimal lot of 3 boxes (45 kg) is given.


It is meant for liquid decontamination of surfaces coated with chemically resistant enamels in the premises (concrete, plaster, wood, tool and stainless steel or elastron) as well as equipment, instruments, items, furniture etc. placed inside them) against beta-active contaminations in the shape of disperse aerosols with solid dispersed phase (dust-like contaminations). 

Itisdust-like mixture of surface active substances and alkaline additives. 

Coefficient of decontamination (as per GOST 27708-88) is 50.

The product shave undergone certification tests in KURCHATOVSKY INSTITUTE RNC.  


They are meant for liquid decontamination of various surfaces in the premises and of equipment, instruments, items and furniture etc. From alpha- and beta-active contaminations in the shape of solutions and dispersed aerosols with liquid (fog) and solid (dust-like contaminations) disperse phases.

They represent dust-like mixture of surface active substances and a set of complex forming additives.

They are used within the ambient temperatur einter val between + 5°Сand + 30°С.

Utilization method: concentrate of the composition shall be dissolved in water at the rate depending on the brand of the concentrate used and value of initial contamination. Liquid decontamination by water solutions of composition concentrates shall be performed in accordance with internal technological regulations and instructions accepted at the enterprise (for example, pneumatic, airless, bath, manual and other methods of application).

Concentrates are manufactured in polyethylene bags from 100 g to 10 kg.

They can be transported by all transport means with protection against out ereffecting factors within the temperature interval from minus 40°Сto + 40°С. During loading and unloading operations packing damage shall be avoided.

They are stored in packed condition in roofed ventilated storage premises at ambient temperature from minus 400Сto plus 400С avoiding contact  with direct sun rays and humidity.

Guarantee storage term is 24 months from the date of manufacture. 


Decontamination composition number 1 (Raddez, Russia)Enlarge  Decontamination composition number 1 (Raddez, Russia)Enlarge 


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