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Dosimeters and radiometers

LLC "Axelbant"

Electromagnetiс fields indicator (RADEX, Russia)

Electromagnetiс fields indicator (RADEX, Russia)Enlarge

13.990,00 руб.

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Indicator RADEX EMI 50, further - an indicator designed for use with the public in order to detect and localize areas of electromagnetic hazards in residential and public buildings. Its use will prevent adverse effects on human health of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of industrial frequency.
The range of measured values ​​of the parameters of the magnetic and electric fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz) corresponds to the following regulations and regulated remote control:
SanPiN "Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises";
SanPiN "Electromagnetic fields in a production environment"
SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for personal computers and machines to the organization of work";
SN 2971-84, "Protecting the public from exposure to the electric field created by the air lines of the ac power frequency";
GN 2.1.8/ "Limits of magnetic fields at 50 Hz in residential and public buildings and residential areas."

The design of the indicator corresponds to the requirements of GOST R52319 R51522 and GOST-99.
The instrument in accordance with specifications TU 10.KR. assigned to the indicators of EMF and is not subject to verification.
Indicator "RADEX EMI 50" does not include sources of high voltage and is not connected to electricity, with indicators of electrical safety.
Results from the indicator may not be used for official reports.

Measurement frequency range Hz from 47 to 53
The range of RMS values ​​of the electric field kV / m from 0.15 to 10
The range of RMS values ​​of magnetic induction, mT 0.1 to 10
Maximum permissible relative error values ​​of the vector to EMF more than 40% ±
Levels of response for a sound indication of the electric field kV / m 0.5
to 5 mT magnetic field
Operation mode setup time is not over. Minutes 1
Power Source: Battery size AA (LR6) pc 2
Time of continuous operation of the indicator from 2 batteries size AA (LR6) capacity of 2 Ah at least an hour .* 12
The amount of data stored in nonvolatile memory, up to 13
By Dimensions, mm 200x65x58 more
Mass index (without batteries), not more kg


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