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Measuring rod 1,7 m:
(+ 252 USD)
Purpose: EXPERT dosimeter-radiometer is meant for identification of photon gamma-radiation equivalent dose capacity and beta-radiation flux density from contaminated surfaces in everyday life.
The device was included into the State Register of Measuring Instruments under No. 13603-93
Measuing device type description
CE-sertification is in progress (november-december 2011).
Dosimeter to measure the seafood comes with a plastic bag with a lock.
- Capability of working in two independent modes of gamma- or beta-radiation measuring; - Maintaining digital indication of measuring results on liquid-crystal display; - Maintaining indication of MEASURING and RESULT operation modes; - Indication of the source charge supply; - Maintaining one second audio signal generation at the moment the instrument changes from MEASURING to RESULT mode; - Maintaining continuous audio signal generation if the dose rate exceeds 99.99 mcSv/ hour; - the device can be used in SEARCH mode for a radiation source detection.
Main technical characteristics of the device:
- Range of equivalent dose rate measuring, mcSv/hour 0.1-500; - Range of photon energies at dose rate measuring, MeV 0.06-1.25; - Main relative error at dose rate identification, % ±30; - Energy dependence at dose rate indication, % ±50; - Beta-radiation flux density measuring range for contaminated surfaces; - For Strontium-90, Yttrium-90 or Cesium-137, part./s cm2 0.3-500; - Bottom energy limit for registered beta-radiation, not lower than MeV 0.156; - Temperature range, о С -5...+40; - Power supply source - 6F22 9V battery (CRONA, CORUNDUM); - Continuous operation term with CORUNDUM battery at least 100 hours; - Dimensions, mm 192 х 64 х 40; - Weight, not above, kg 0.3.
Technical Standards for manufacture: ABLK:412152.003 TU GOST 27451-87
Recommendations for MS-04B EXPERT instrument usage in identification of water, ground, foodstuff and agricultural product samples contamination:
Our dosimeters at Fukushima (article, Russian)
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